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About the CharityTracker

What is it and why did we build it?

As an agency specialising in audience-centred strategy, we believe one of the most important questions to answer is this: ‘Who do you need to engage to achieve your goals?’

We wanted to offer our charity clients better insight to help them track their brand performance and segment their audiences. But there weren’t any tools powerful or specialised enough to do this, so we built our own.

That’s we created the first and only tailor-made survey that allows you to track your brand and issues with bespoke audience segments based on attitudes, behaviours, lifestyle, demographics, and personal connection to your cause.

The CharityTracker is our specialist brand trackers for the non-profit sector. We currently offer specialised brand tracking and audience segmentation to around 100 UK charities.

Our data set

The CharityTracker survey runs every day throughout the year, and is completed by at least 1,000 people each month, totalling over 12,000 unique respondents per year.

It covers an extensive range of brand performance metrics, as well as behavioural, attitudinal and demographic questions.

The dashboards

These dashboards have been designed with you, the member, in mind. We know that some of you want simple, quick, downloadable brand reports that can be used for regular brand reporting. Some of you want access to rich audience insight data to help you plan your campaigns and inform creative work. And some of you want to explore the underlying data, to make your own discoveries and build your own reports.

The Brand Reporter, Audience Profiler, and Data Explorer have been developed to meet these different needs.


Please note that the Eden Stanley team will be processing the data for the latest month between the 27th and the 7th of every month. Any cross tabs you create in Data Explorer may not be saved in your favourites during this period of time