Audience-centred brand tracking for non-profits.

Next generation tracking that puts you in control.

Eden Stanley’s CharityTracker is the UK’s only brand monitoring and audience segmentation tool specially designed
for non-profits.

Everything you need in one place.

Audience-centred brand tracking.

Stay in control by tracking your brand’s performance with key audience segments. Dive beneath the surface to learn what drives engagement.

Longitudinal cause perception.

Understand how the issues and causes you work on resonate with the broader population. Gain insights to align your efforts effectively.

Timely trends to boost your strategy.

Elevate your strategy with up-to-date attitudinal trends that keep you ahead of the game. Stay on the pulse of what matters most.

Precision campaign planning.

Plan with confidence, using in-depth behavioural, demographic and media consumption data to help reach your target audience.

Designed for your needs.

The CharityTracker was developed in collaboration with our members, and continues to evolve as the membership grows.

Recognising the importance of flexibility, we offer many ways to customise the survey – including adding bespoke questions, campaign evaluations, touchpoint tracking and more.

Large sample, high-quality, specialist survey data.

We offer a guaranteed nationally representative sample of 3,000 UK adults per month, with each brand reviewed by at least 1,000.

Our survey panel is closely monitored, no respondent can review a brand more than once per year, and the data is continuously checked and cleaned to ensure the most statistically robust insights.

“Eden Stanley’s CharityTracker has been essential for Unicef’s work. We use it to evaluate our equity, build our strategy, monitor our campaigns and performance, and refine our direction.”
Cathy Druce, Unicef

“The CharityTracker dashboards give us all the insights we need at a touch of a button, and the team is there to answer questions we have, no matter how big or small.”
Natalie Tomlinson, Dementia UK

We’re trusted by some of the UK’s best-loved charities, big and small.

Nationally representative tracking is just the start…

The CharityTracker offers a wide array of insights for advanced audience segmentation.

By analysing and understanding the public’s attitudes, values, beliefs, behaviours, and demographics, the CharityTracker enables you to identify and monitor specific target groups.

This unlocks the possibility of audience-centred strategies tailored to the interests and needs of distinct audience segments.

Want to find out more? Get in touch to arrange a demo.