Up close and personal with audiences.

We helped Shelter get closer to its potential supporters, through innovative video ethnography and co-creating campaign ideas with people at the frontline of the housing crisis.

As the UK’s leading housing and homelessness charity, Shelter wanted to feel much closer to its current and potential supporters – those most likely to care about this cause and who can be inspired to play their part as influencers, donors and advocates.

We generated fresh insights through participant-generated video content that helped Shelter understood the audiences as people: at home, with friends, in their communities.

We also brought some participants to Shelter’s HQ to help co-produce ideas for how to engage people like them.

We surveyed the UK public, and found that the vast majority is ready for drastic solutions to fix a broken housing system. Almost four in five (77%) believe there’s a housing emergency and a similar proportion want radical change to fix it.

We’ve applied these insights to help Shelter work out how to build on this new salience, through new approaches to mobilising its priority audiences, and the wider public, to defend everyone’s right to a safe home.




Video ethnography,
Co-creation, Film, Insight, Audience engagement, Strategy.