Agents of inclusion.

Central to our audience strategy for Sense was the idea of finding people who believe in inclusion and mobilising them to support the charity. With more people behind the cause, more can be done to remove the barriers for people with complex disabilities and drive change.

Charities can’t reach everyone, so it’s vital to identify the people most likely to want to support you. By knowing more about these audiences and the differences between them, we knew Sense would be able to bring them closer.

To find a sustainable supporter base, we needed insight into the external market to find the people who would be open to supporting the charity. We were looking for the types of people who share the same values as Sense and understand how to engage them on their terms.

Through analysis of the UK public and Sense’s current base, we uncovered a powerful audience segmentation. It looked at people’s likelihood to support a disability charity, their attitudes towards inclusion and their participation in their community.

We identified two large groups which we then further segmented by life-stage. Our subsequent audience profiles and comprehensive journey maps gave Sense all they needed to engage with these priority audiences.

This work has allowed Sense to align communications, fundraising and campaigning around the lives and motivations of these audiences.



Audience strategy, Audience segmentation, Engagement strategy, Quantitative research