Two celebrating women wearing MS Society branded running gear

The UK’s leading housing and homelessness charity, Shelter, has appointed Eden Stanley to help them mobilise a new generation of supporters and activists to join them in the fight against the national housing emergency.

Alongside its ground-breaking research on the future of social housing in the aftermath of the Grenfell fire, Shelter has launched an ambitious strategy to expand its campaign against housing injustice and develop housing advice services to meet local need.

Drawing on its community-based, campaigning roots Shelter’s 2019-2022 strategy aims to combat the national housing emergency, where a failing housing system with dwindling social housing provision has forced more people into precarious, unaffordable private rental contracts, or homelessness.

Joe Barrell, Eden Stanley’s Founder and Principle, said:

“We’re proud to be working with Shelter on one of the great social injustices of our time. Eden Stanley will be supporting Shelter’s ambitious goals by developing its audience strategy to build a new movement of at least half a million people.”

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The MS Society hires Eden Stanley

The MS Society hires Eden Stanley

The MS Society, the UK’s leading charity working for people with multiple sclerosis, has hired Eden Stanley to play a key part in its plans to engage a new generation of supporters.

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