The MS Society, the UK’s leading charity working for people with multiple sclerosis, has hired Eden Stanley to play a key part in its plans to engage a new generation of supporters.
Having recently worked with Eden Stanley on a large qualitative study into the service and engagement needs of people with MS, the charity’s current focus is on engaging those who have the condition, both as service users and supporters. The MS Society is aiming to extend its reach and connection with a wider group of people affected by MS who are not currently engaging with the Society.
Clare Horwood Executive Director of Engagement & Income at the MS Society, said:
“Our relationship with people who have MS and those close to them is at the heart of our work at the MS Society. That’s why we have ambitious plans to build on our audience-centred approach with even greater knowledge of these supporters. Eden Stanley is the ideal agency to help us achieve this. Their deep understanding of audience research, insight and analysis will be crucial in ensuring we connect with our audiences in the best ways possible.”
Joe Barrell, Principal and Founder at Eden Stanley, said:
“We’re proud that our previous work with the MS Society has already had an impact on how they engage people with multiple sclerosis, whether as donors, campaigners or service users. Widening their supporters to include those connected to somebody with MS is crucial for the long term ambition of the charity. Their vision to put audience insight at the heart of their organisational strategy is an important one that we are excited to help them achieve.”
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