Research bias and how to avoid it

Research bias and how to avoid it

Audience research is a fragile thing. An excerpt from our book, ‘Who Cares?’ The wording you choose for your questions, the order you ask them in, or even – in the case of a survey – how they’re laid out on the page can have a significant influence on the...
Why segment audiences?

Why segment audiences?

Why segment audiences? An excerpt from our book, ‘Who Cares?’ Still talking about ‘targeting the general public’? Here’s how to make the case for segmenting and selecting. Whatever you might have heard, there is no ‘general public’ – not in any meaningful...
How to have ideas

How to have ideas

How to have ideas An excerpt from our book, ‘Who Cares?’ Creativity, surely, is innate. It’s something mysterious that you’re just born with, right? So, while some of us lead predictable, rational lives, others are blessed with flashes of inspiration that...