Our clients want to change the world. We do too.

Whether you’re a charity, an NGO, a public sector body, or cause-driven brand – we can help you get closer to your audiences and reach your highest goals.

An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Ready for Radical

We helped Shelter get closer to its potential supporters, through innovative video ethnography and co-creating campaign ideas with people at the frontline of the housing crisis.

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Save the Children
Global voices

A mixed method research project for Save the Children across 13 countries in the Global North and South to shape their brand and engagement strategy.

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Royal Voluntary Service
Reactivating the responders

When Covid-19 struck, hundreds of thousands put themselves ‘on duty’ – ready to support the most vulnerable in their communities. Our research into the largest volunteer mobilisation since the war, helped the Royal Voluntary Service maintain an engaged, diverse cohort of volunteers in a post-pandemic world.

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Integrated audience strategy

RNIB’s mission is to create a world without barriers for blind and partially sighted individuals. We designed a comprehensive audience strategy to help make this a reality.

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An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Ripple Effect
It starts on an African farm

Remember Send a Cow? When the charity outgrew its name (they don’t send cows) they asked us to find a new one. Ripple Effect conveys their role in catalysing sustainable yields in African farming, and a smart investment for funders.

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An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Radical kindness

Our work with Mind helped the organisation rethink its position as a relatable champion of mental health support, and restore mental health as a charitable cause

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An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Parkinson’s UK
Same, but different

Our audience strategy for Parkinson’s UK is transforming their approach to engaging people with, and affected by, Parkinson’s disease.

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National Autistic Society
Finding common ground

Turning a community into a movement for change for autistic people with the National Autistic Society.

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The P stands for people

One of the UK’s best loved pet charities needed to restore its place in the hearts and minds of pet owners everywhere. We helped PDSA put ‘people’ back into its fundraising.

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From avoidance to action

No-one wants to talk about suicide. But the Campaign Against Living Miserably knew that breaking the taboo could save lives. We helped them shift focus from lives lost to the people that ‘stayed’, providing an inspiring basis for public mobilisation.

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The struggle for safety

Imix convenes the UK’s refugee and asylum sector to align and strengthen their public communications. Our communications strategy, the Struggle for Safety, reframes the cause for mainstream audiences, and is being used to counter hostile narratives in media and politics.

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An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

We’re talking about abortion

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, it spelled a major setback for America’s silent majority for women’s right to abortion and risked a resurgence of regressive policies around the world. Our large-scale social study and reframing work is helping start the fightback.

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Blackburn Council
Together an Active Future

The relationship between physical and mental health – and the importance of tackling both – is becoming better understood all the time. We helped Blackburn Council develop its public health programme and scale their impact.

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Christian Aid
Seven million Christians

Building support for Christian Aid meant reaching beyond its base of active Christians. We helped them unlock new audiences, with a segmentation and a message built on universal values of empathy and collectivism.

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Participatory strategy design

With an ambitious new strategy BRAC International are keen to ensure they have the right capabilities and resources in place to deliver their new plans in the countries where they want change to happen.

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An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Police Care UK
Human too

Police are under pressure like never before – doing their best in the face of budget cuts and shrinking teams. Working with Police Care UK, we found the audiences most likely to support them now and in the future.

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Crohn’s & Colitis UK
Futures full of possibility

C&CUK needed to build closer relationships with supporters, prioritise engagement activity and encourage more people to stay connected for longer. We helped them to do that.

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Action Contre La Faim
Ending child manutrition

Action Contre La Faim is an international anti-hunger NGO. We developed the identity and messaging for their Generation Nutrition campaign that won a commitment in the SDGs to end severe acute malnutrition.

An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

MS Society
Designing the MS Journey

MS Society is the UK charity for people with Multiple Sclerosis. Our segmentation and qualitative insight mapped the ‘MS journey’ and is helping them put customers at the centre of their strategy.

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An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Agents of inclusion

We helped Sense learn about the millions of people who share their vision of a world where no one is left out – and how to mobilise them to remove barriers for deafblind people and those with complex disabilities.

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Ground Crew

Thames Valley Air Ambulance needed to find ways to ensure their supporters felt they are part of a joint effort where everyone plays a part.

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Helping people make better choices

Drinkaware commissioned us to redevelop their brand proposition and redefine their mission, as they evolve to become a mainstream consumer brand and a practical and positive source of support for lifestyle change.

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Hospice UK
Breaking taboos around death

Our society’s reluctance to discuss death and end-of-life care has given cover to years of underfunding of the hospice movement. Our social study and segmentation found the audience groups most motivated to help Hospice UK spark a new public conversation.

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Versus Arthritis
Finding those most in need

Versus Arthritis is the UK’s largest arthritis charity. We built their customer segmentations, based on psychosocial modelling, to help them find and understand those most in need of support.

An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

It all adds up to Livability

Livability has run disability services across the UK for over 170 years. As part of their new localisation strategy they commissioned us to develop their fundraising strategy and a new brand positioning – It All Adds Up.

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Driving social change for disabled people

Scope exists to ensure disabled people have the same opportunities as everyone else. They appointed us to develop a comprehensive audience strategy, covering supporters, service users and the broader public.

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An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Cutting through at Christmas

Crisis, a national charity for homeless people, asked us to create a fundraising product that would cut through an incredibly crowded Christmas market. We nailed it (with a little help from Jo Brand).

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Mainstreaming human rights

Amnesty asked us to develop their UK communication and political strategies, to double external engagement over five years. They’re now dramatically growing mainstream support for their human rights agenda.

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An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Plan International
Putting gender at the heart of UKAid policy

Plan International hired us to reimagine its flagship Because I am a Girl campaign and identify opportunities for breakthroughs in policy and practice. The result transformed UK Aid policy.

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Diabetes UK
Motivating long-term participation

Diabetes UK wanted to motivate long-term engagement, and build an integrated strategy for services users and supporters. We helped them find their audiences, and learn their motivations, perceptions and needs.

An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Making sure children’s voices are heard

UNICEF is the world’s largest organisation for children. We’ve delivered several projects including their global digital strategy to promote child participation in development programmes.

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Audience tracking to help beat heart disease

The British Heart Foundation is the UK’s leading charity fighting heart disease, and one of its best-loved brands. We track their brand repositioning, and key fundraising targets.

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Amplifying our shared humanity

Many people still feel uncomfortable in the presence of a person with learning disabilities, although few feel able to admit it, and this can be a barrier to fundraising. We worked with Mencap to develop a new campaign proposition, ‘I’m just like you’.

An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Tracking engagement with emergencies

The DEC brings 15 leading UK aid charities together in times of crisis. They coordinate appeals to raise money to help those impacted by disaster. We track and evaluate public engagement of all of the DEC appeals, from the moment of launch.

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A new model for fighting poverty

Based in Bangladesh, BRAC is the world’s largest social enterprise. We developed the strategy and identity for their flagship ‘graduation’ programme, proven to be the most effective intervention to beat ‘ultra-poverty’.

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Wellcome Trust
The power of science

In a ‘post-fact’ world, the Wellcome Trust wanted to show how science will solve many of the world’s problems, particularly around health and climate. Our global research programme laid the foundations for their new strategy.

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Differentiation in a crowd

Concern Worldwide UK asked us to create a communications strategy for a step change in profile and support. Our research quickly unearthed their greatest challenge – a lack of differentiation in a crowded sector.

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An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Celebrating free expression

Tim Berners-Lee’s World Wide Web Foundation asked us to develop a strategy to mark the 25th anniversary of the Web. We built a global campaign and a major festival for free expression at the Southbank Centre.

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Putting animal welfare into mainstream development

Brooke protects the welfare of working equines throughout the developing world. We’ve delivered numerous projects for them, helping them build new partnerships in the international development sector, bringing animal welfare into mainstream practice.

An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Drink Wise
Changing attitudes on drinking

Drink Wise wanted to change both social attitudes on drinking and push for new controls on alcohol advertising to children. Our outdoor and digital campaign made quite a splash.

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Care International
A global audience framework to drive growth

CARE International is one of the world’s largest international NGOs, and a global leader on the rights of women and girls in developing countries. We helped them develop a global audience framework to drive growth.

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Global Witness
Reframing the fight against corruption

Global Witness campaigns to end natural resource exploitation, and fights global corruption – they’re the NGO that brought Blood Diamonds to the world’s attention. We developed their international communications strategy.

An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Pushing for better cancer care

Macmillan Cancer Support is one of the UK’s best-loved brands. They provide practical, medical and financial support and push for better cancer care. We helped them develop their audience-centred communications strategy.

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The Children’s Society
The hard truths of modern childhood

The Children’s Society is one of the ‘big four’ children’s charities. They appointed us to create an insight-driven brand strategy, including a new proposition to about need to address the hard truths of modern childhood.

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Gates Foundation
Mapping attitudes to poverty

We delivered a major Gates Foundation-funded ethnographic research project to explore how public attitudes to world poverty are formed by prevailing media narratives. Our report prompted a sector-wide narrative review.

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An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

A new dating service for disabled people

FitzRoy works for people with learning disabilities across the UK. They commissioned us to make an advertising campaign to raise the start-up funds for a new dating service for people with disabilities.

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The global fundraising strategy

UN agency, UNESCO, has a broad and diverse remit, spanning peace building, development, education and culture. We reviewed and redeveloped their global fundraising strategy targeting national governments and institutions.

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Farm Africa
A digital-first strategy

Articulating your impact and the difference you make can be challenging. Farm Africa needed a digital fundraising strategy and products that would reach new audiences and compel them into action.

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Parkinson’s UK
Building a bigger story

Parkinson’s UK wanted to extend beyond its core audience of people with Parkinson’s disease and their loved ones. We helped them reach new audiences of advocates, activists and community organisers, linking their cause to a broader health and social care agenda.

An image of a young Asian blind woman using a smart phone with voice accessibility in a creative workplace.

Wake up to the housing emergency

Shelter is the UK’s leading housing and homeless charity. We developed their audience strategy to mobilise a new generation of supporters and activists to demand action on the housing emergency.

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Co-op Foundation
Building communities of the future

With a new five-year strategy, and a shared vision for future communities, we helped the Co‑op Foundation talk with clarity and confidence about their value to the Co‑op, and to wider society.

Action Against Hunger
Action for Children
Alzheimers Society
Amnesty International
Anthony Nolan
Barts Charity
British Film Institute
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Blood Cancer UK
Breast Cancer Care
British Heart Foundation
British Psychological Society
Campaign Against Living Miserably
Care International
Child to Child
The Children's Society
The Children's Society
Citizens Advice
Clic Sargent
Co-op Foundation
Concern Worldwide
Crisis Action
Disasters Emergency Committee
Dementia UK
Depaul UK
Diabetes UK
Drink Wise
Duke of Edinburgh's Awards
Farm Africa
Girl Effect
Global Witness
Handicap International
Hospice UK
Independent Age
Malaria No More
Marie Curie
MS Society
Medecins Sans Frontieres
National Autistic Society
National Youth Orchestra
One Plus One
Parkinsons UK
Peace Child International
Plan International
Prince's Trust
Ripple Effect
Save the Children
Save the Children
Stroke Association
Thames Valley Air Ambulance
Versus Arthritis
Wellcome Trust
World Wide Web Foundation
Young Minds

Get in touch.

Let’s talk about your next project.

If you’re developing a new strategy or insight brief, or if you’d like to learn more about the CharityTracker, we’d love to help.